Monday, September 14, 2009


Life isn't fair at all. I know that this is probably my third or fourth post saying that, but it's true. It's like what is perfect for me, or what seems to be, is too far out of reach for me. I gained the balls to ask for her friendship on Facebook, which she thankfully accepted. But now I took the time to look at her pictures, and man, now I want her even more than ever. She just seems...perfect in every sense of the word. She's beautiful, sexy, smart, spunky, amazing, quirky, just...ahh. I think about her all the time, but I don't think I'll ever end up with her. I know that IF she becomes available, by some sort of divine intervention, that I'll see her go with someone else, and I'll sit and watch, just asking what could have been, and kicking myself for being so stupid and letting and opportunity like that go... I know myself too well, and I know that's exactly what will happen. I think I am going to give up my crusade, and just let it all go. I'll just go on, and live how I've been living, with regrets, and just asking "Why?'' I don't know, cuz I need to sleep now.

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